Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This API is exposed by the Babylon Radix node to give clients access to information about the node itself, its configuration, status and subsystems.
It is intended for use by node-runners on a private network, and is not intended to be exposed publicly. Heavy load may impact the node's function.
If you require queries against ledger state, you may also wish to consider using the Core API or Gateway API instead.
{- "public_key_hex": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstringstring",
- "node_address": "string",
- "node_uri": "string",
- "node_name": "string",
- "node_id": "string",
- "validator_address": "string",
- "validator_name": "string",
- "consensus_status": "VALIDATING_IN_CURRENT_EPOCH"
{- "status": "BOOTING",
- "current_fork_name": "string",
- "executed_forks": [
- {
- "epoch": 0,
- "name": "string"
], - "fork_vote_status": "VOTE_REQUIRED",
- "unknown_reported_forks": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "reported_by": [
- "string"
{- "mempool": {
- "max_size": 0,
- "throttle": 0
}, - "bft": {
- "pacemaker_timeout": 0,
- "bft_sync_patience": 0
}, - "sync": {
- "sync_check_interval": 0,
- "sync_check_max_peers": 0,
- "request_timeout": 0,
- "ledger_status_update_max_peers_to_notify": 0,
- "max_ledger_updates_rate": 0
}, - "networking": {
- "default_port": 0,
- "discovery_interval": 0,
- "listen_address": "string",
- "listen_port": 0,
- "broadcast_port": 0,
- "peer_connection_timeout": 0,
- "max_inbound_channels": 0,
- "max_outbound_channels": 0,
- "channel_buffer_size": 0,
- "peer_liveness_check_interval": 0,
- "ping_timeout": 0,
- "seed_nodes": [
- "string"
], - "node_address": "string"